Interview * Lyn Stephenson * Bunjil Farm

123567.0789When I arrived at the entrance to Bunjil Farm I found myself greeted by the sweetest little Coach house EVER which means today’s story really was a serious case of ‘You had me at hello!”

The long, leisurely drive into Bunjil Farm is beguiling. A meandering track winds guests past ponds, paddocks, ponies and peek holes through pine hedges. Glimpses of historic structures, salvaged and saved, tantalise the imagination of days gone by; a timber butchery with the loveliest pitched-roof, a blacksmiths’ shop, old stables and miner’s huts, not to mention a grand old weatherboard home replete with sunny verandah, rambling garden and towering folly! Oh, then to step inside! Ahead, a dark timber staircase beckons while to the right the northern sun beaming into the kitchen lands upon an enormous black wood-fueled Homestead Cooker. Upon my visit, it was busily baking Anzac biscuits …

OK! I’d better stop there {before I forget my manners} and introduce you to the amazing, passionate, hardworking, delightful owner Lyn Stephenson.

Lyn purchased Bunjil Farm a little more than 18 months ago after working in the high-pressure corporate world. Since then, and with little farming experience of her own, Lyn has already sown and reaped an industrial Hemp crop {read more about this amazing crop in Lyn’s interview below and via the Association here} AND bought herself a tractor!

“A “tree change” is what has allowed the freedom to enjoy home-grown produce and appreciate the bounty that the earth can provide.  We are aiming to become more self-sufficient as time progresses, severing the ties of corporate Australia and commercialisation.”

Bunjil Farm is DESTINED for great things. Already a delightful weekend getaway, it BEGS to be enjoyed as a creative space for weddings, photographers and stylists and, who knows, perhaps even to play host to a future Lost Trades Fair and creative weekend workshops. A visit to Bunjil Farm is a lesson in discovery + possibility. To be able to share a snippet of Lyn’s journey is an inspiring privilege + honour. We admire her courage to be creative and to open her world and dreams to other like-minded folk with whom she can collaborate. Watch this space!

Enjoy! {d} x



Prior to buying your farm about 18 months ago, you worked in the high-pressure corporate world. Tell us a little bit about your background and how you came to leave it all behind to buy a farm in Springhill?

My father grew up on a wheat and sheep farm between Moree and Inverell, in northern NSW. My mother grew up on a dairy farm near Bega, in southern NSW. As young adults, they both moved to Sydney where they met, married and had me. Soon after, they moved to Canberra which is where I grew up. In those days, Canberra was like a big country town. My mother always grew vegies in the back yard and took a particular interest in herbs. Dad was an engineering type and, lacking a boy to pass on his knowledge, he tried teaching me some of his skills. Whilst I wasn’t a great student, I think I got the bug to live in the country from a very early age, perhaps by some kind of parental osmosis. I became disillusioned with major corporations – seeing the waste of money and experiencing the brunt of some of the self-possessed ladder-climbers who held no regard for their real bosses (the shareholders). Eventually, I just sold up and moved out.

You have named your property “Bunjil Farm”. Tell us the story behind its naming.

I wanted to come up with a name for the farm that represents my aspirations for the place. I started with using hemp in the name and coming up with puns, e.g. “hemporium”, “hemptastic” or even just “the hemp farm” but none of the names I came up with grabbed me. When I was harvesting the seed from my first hemp crop earlier this year, an eagle was circling above. I thought “Eagle Farm” might be a good name – but that’s a race track! Back to Google. I started looking up aboriginal words and found Bunjil. When I found the story of Bunjil, I knew I had found a name for my farm. Bunjil was the creator of all things. After he had finished creating, he was blown into the heavens and remains there today as a star. I wanted a simple logo and a stylised version of the aboriginal dot painting symbol for a star has become my logo. I asked representatives of the Kulin Nation for permission to use the name Bunjil. They had no hesitation, saying that my aspirations for the farm (putting back more to the earth than I remove) was exactly what Bunjil taught.

Okay, I confess to having serious farm envy. Your ‘outbuildings’ are the stuff photographers, stylists + location scouts’ dreams are made of! Describe them for us and tell us about your vision for these truly amazing spaces?

There are 19 buildings on the property, in varying sizes. All of them date from the mid- to late 1800s and all have been rescued from elsewhere and reconstructed on the property many years ago. This fits well with my philosophy of re-using and recycling. I have just opened a bed & breakfast in the main homestead as well as in a slab-built settler’s hut dating from the 1850s. Ultimately, I would like to open the remainder of the property for expos, functions, etc. and also to establish a focal point to educate people on the uses and benefits of hemp. I think we have the potential to develop an appealing tourist attraction with an educational focus on hemp.

You do a great deal of voluntary work to promote Industrial Hemp (the non-drug varietal of Cannabis Sativa) and all its many uses as food seed, oil, wax, resin, rope, pulp, paper, fuel, clothing, building, mulch, animal bedding and skincare. It sounds like a ‘super’ crop. Why haven’t we heard more about it and what makes you so passionate about it?

Well, that’s a difficult one to answer as far as why we haven’t heard more about it. In the 1930s, when nylon was invented, big business pursued the development of new technologies: the cotton industry was flourishing and newspapers were being produced using wood pulp. Hemp fell into oblivion. Today, the hemp industry is gradually expanding, particularly in Canada and parts of Europe. In fact, France never stopped producing hemp for food and fibre. Some innovators are beginning to realise the possibilities of hemp and are developing processing techniques to bring hemp out of the pre-industrialised world and into the 21st century. I am interested in the plight of many Australian farmers and I see hemp as being an ideal crop to include in crop rotations. If nothing else, it is an excellent nitrogen fixer and requires no herbicides or pesticides. If we can get our politicians to see their way clear to approving hemp seed as a food, then Australian farmers have an alternative, productive crop.

This year you will plant about 7 acres of Industrial Hemp. Describe the ‘see for yourself’ opportunities + experiences this crop will provide?

I wanted to touch and feel and try and understand the crop myself so I applied for the necessary licence to grow it. Initially, I will be holding information sessions for members of the Industrial Hemp Association. I then hope to build on this by hosting field days for farmers interested in growing hemp, as well as workshops for people to learn about hemp-lime construction. I already receive guests at my B&B who are interested in learning more about hemp.

Speaking of crops; you’ve just bought a tractor, a harvester + a binder! Give us a little insight into how it feels to buy your first set of big farm ‘toys’!

I confess that there are many days where I feel that I might have bitten off more than I can chew. However, I have a steadfast resolve to progress with my plan, even if it means chewing slowly! I felt a little bit like the possum in the spotlight when I was the successful bidder for the machinery at a clearing sale – stunned! What have I done? My friends then told me there’s no turning back now (they mean that I have really now officially become a country dweller). Well – who’d think I could ever go back to the city now anyway? Having bought all these things, the steep learning curve of country life continues. I now have to work out how to operate all them! Fortunately, I have a couple of very tolerant and patient friends at the ready.

What does a typical day in the life of Lyn Stephenson the ‘Bunjil Farm, Rural Retreat Host, Industrial Hemp Advocate + Tractor Owner’ look like; from when you wake to when you go to sleep?

Wow – no two days are the same. They always start out the same, but then things go off in all kinds of directions. The chooks and the ducks are the first task – feeding them and letting them loose after being cooped up in their overnight fox-proof dwellings. There is always plenty of mowing, weeding, pruning and harvesting to do. But the time often gets hijacked by callers on my mobile wanting information about hemp. These calls generally last 30-60 minutes. Or it could be that the bull has jumped into the neighbour’s paddock and I have to go and retrieve it. Lambs are born; foals are born … it’s all so wonderful!

Where or who or what do you draw your inspiration from?

I’m often told that I have guts. So I guess my inspiration largely comes from within. I tend to become indignant at injustices (such as continued prohibition of hemp food in Australia) and can sometimes go like a bull at a gate to try and change things. When things don’t work out the way I want them to, I try to find another way. A crusty NSW politician once said “Just keep goin’. It doesn’t matter which direction, just keep goin’.” We all need some kind of purpose or we die – that’s what I keep reminding myself.

Do you consider yourself to be a ‘Countryphile’? Do you love country life? Why?

Absolutely I’m a Countryphile – I was a Countryphile even before I left the city! I used to buy the Weekly Times and just dream. I should have debunked from the city years ago but I was stuck on the treadmill. To paraphrase Dave Ramsey, author of “The Total Money Makeover”, I was buying things I didn’t need with money I didn’t have to impress people I didn’t like or rarely see. It suddenly struck me one day and I sold up and haven’t looked back. I couldn’t believe it when I moved here – complete strangers will smile at you in the supermarket!

What aspect of country life are you loving MOST at the moment?

Well, I can’t resist another quote – Darryl Kerrigan in “The Castle” – “Ah, the serenity!” The bird-life at Bunjil is extraordinary. I love to sit on the verandah in the evenings just listening to the birds and the frogs. Bliss!

What have been the most CHALLENGING aspects of your tree change so far?

Every day is a challenge. Everything is new. In the beginning, I didn’t even know how to open a jerry can! Now I can unbog my ride-on mower using fence strainers. I’m learning to drive my tractor; learning to watch the weather and the seasons for reasons other than “Do I need a raincoat today?” I guess winter is a challenge. Those early, dark mornings with blistering winds – it’s a real challenge just to emerge from underneath the doona to start the day sometimes.

Tea or coffee?

Coffee in the morning. Tea in the afternoon.

Do you have a favourite country café? Where and why?

I don’t go to cafes much any more but when I do, I like Duck Duck Goose in Kyneton. The owners are lovely people, the coffee is good, the food is fresh and it has a very relaxed, unpretentious atmosphere.

Where was the last great meal you enjoyed/shared in the country?

Du Fermier at Trentham. Annie Smithers is a genius.

Would you ENCOURAGE others to live a country life? Why/why not?

Well I think that what I’ve done is something everyone should do; but if they did, then we’d just be creating more congestion and another big city right here. I would rather just give people a little taste of country life at my B&B and let them go back to their hectic city lives, hopefully relaxed, enriched and more knowledgeable about the possibilities of hemp.

What are the Top 5 Tips you’d give those dreaming of making a TREE CHANGE?

1. Stop dreaming.
2. Just do it.
3. Don’t procrastinate – there is no point wondering on your death bed whether you should have.
4. My friends advised me that I should rent first to make sure. I did, but I wish I hadn’t – I feel that it just delayed everything. The paranoia that city people have about not being able to buy back into the city real estate market is something I think people worry too much about.
5. Invest in the best-quality gumboots, all-weather coat, slip-on boots (no laces), a good pocket knife and a head torch.

What can we expect NEXT from you/Bunjil Farm in the future?

Workshops, open days, special events …. The sky’s the limit!

What would be your DREAM project or collaboration?

Government funding for a processing plant for hemp to be operated by a co-operative of hemp farmers.

Can you list for us 5 specific things you turn to/do when you need of a ‘dose’ of city life?
1. Phone a city friend.
2. Listen to the traffic reports on the radio
3. Watch TV
4. Drive to the great metropolis of Bendigo
5. It’s hard to imagine needing a “dose” of city life!
Lyn Stephenson
Bunjil Farm
Hemp Association of Victoria

Just Acorn

Interview * Marnie Hawson * epoch co.

Marnie Hawson of Epoch Co. on the verandah of her shopfront-studio that used to be an old post office. Photo/Production - Danielle White/The Countryphiles.
Marnie Hawson and adorable ‘Dexter’ (her Miniature Pinscher) on the verandah of her epoch co. POP-UP shopfront-studio, which used to be the town’s old post office – DIVINE! Photo/Production – Danielle White/The Countryphiles.
Marnie & Dexter. Photo/Production - Danielle White/The Countryphiles.
And they call it puppy LOVE. Marnie & Dexter on the front verandah of ‘their’ 1800s period home in Riddells Creek. Okay, it’s really Marnie and Ryan’s home but, hey, Dexter is just SOOO cute that he won me over immediately and Ryan, who works from home too, was tucked away in his office on this visit! Photo/Production – Danielle White/The Countryphiles.

I LOVE what I do because I get to meet so many delightful people who create and live inspiring lives in the country. Today, I DOUBLE love what I do because I finally got to catch up with Marnie Hawson – the gorgeous and extremely talented owner of vintage and industrial decor on-line store epoch co. AND vintage map prints on-line store Herbert Co. I spent the afternoon with Marnie (and discovered she was not only a fellow Countryphile but a girl-after-my-own-heart kinda KINDRED SPIRIT!) who delighted The Countryphiles with a quality coffee and personal tour of her home and studio in Riddells Creek. Enjoy!

marnie at desk
Marnie at her desk doing what she does so very well – creating her vintage and industrial ‘MAGIC’. A bit of a self-confessed ‘Night Owl’ Marnie often updates her online Etsy shop in the wee hours of the night. Photo/Production – Danielle White/The Countryphiles.
I Do sign from wedding. Photo/Production - Danielle White/The Countryphiles.
The ‘I Do’s’ sign sitting in Marnie’s studio is from Marnie and Ryan’s rustic country wedding, which they celebrated at Bringalbit in Sidonia. Photo/Production – Danielle White/The Countryphiles.
Photo/Production - Danielle White/The Countryphiles.
The ‘epoch co.’ logo was the design Marnie and Ryan used for their wedding – a creative nod to Ryan’s love of mountain biking and Marnie’s joy of cycling. So, even the logo is ‘up-cycled’ – that’s DEDICATION to the sustainability cause! Photo/Production – Danielle White/The Countryphiles.
Photo/Production - Danielle White/The Countryphiles.
Cool white walls and furniture is warmed by rich timbers in the light-filled ex-post office that is now Marnie Hawson’s studio and Pop-Up Shop in Riddells Creek. The Countryphiles has serious radio ENVY! Photo/Production – Danielle White/The Countryphiles.
Too cute. The Countryphiles adores Marnie's 'Bush' retro digital radio. Photo/Production - Danielle White/The Countryphiles.
Too cute! The Countryphiles ADORES Marnie’s ‘Bush‘ retro digital radio, which of course, is a perfect fit with her vintage and industrial aesthetic. And, it works a treat too! Photo/Production – Danielle White/The Countryphiles.
OKAY – now we’re getting serious! This gorgeous collection of vintage and industrial wares is just some of Marnie’s epoch co. stock either awaiting dispatch to clients or the next photoshoot for her Etsy store. Even the shelves the stock sits on are TO-DIE-FOR! Marnie gets up bright and early on Saturday mornings to source her vintage and industrial wares from op-shops, garage sales and farm clearing sales. Photo/Production – Danielle White/The Countryphiles.

When Marnie told me that she and Ryan recently (2011) got married at Bringalbit Country Retreat – a stunning historic homestead and gardens located in Sidonia (18kms north-east of Kyneton), I couldn’t believe it! Not only is Sidonia one of the Macedon Ranges’ ‘best kept secrets’ but Bringalbit is directly across the road from my family farm – this discovery made our meeting feel like a serious case of SMALL world BIG synchronicity!

After travelling around Europe in a motorhome for six months (Ryan was sponsored to compete in the European mountain bike circuit) Marnie and Ryan had a bit of a change of heart and decided they’d really like to get married in country Victoria rather than pursue their initial dream to get married on the Cinque Terre in Italy. That the romance to be found in the rolling granite hills of Sidonia won out over one of Italy’s little villages is a sign these two are TRUE fellow Countryphiles!

The couple wanted a personalised eco/DIY wedding that they could share with close family and friends in a rustic country barn. When they stumbled upon Bringalbit, Marnie and Ryan fell in love with the charm of the historic property’s disused shearing shed and decided to give it an eco/DIY ‘makeover’. Testament to Marnie’s aesthetic eye and ability to create gorgeous vignettes, the couple’s Country Wedding was featured on one of Australia’s most popular bridal blogs Polkadot Bride.

In fact, Marnie had such a great time up-cycling and sourcing vintage items for her wedding that she decided to create an Etsy shop where she could sell vintage and industrial decor and, VOILA!, epoch co. was born! But hang on, the story gets even sweeter. Instead of setting up a gift registry for the wedding, the couple chose to set up an ‘AGA Fund’! How wonderful! I really cannot love this GORGEOUS idea enough! Who amongst us doesn’t adore the classic country look and homely FEEL of a kitchen that has an AGA! SWOON. SIGH. DREAM. Marnie admitted to having to ‘dip into’ their precious AGA Fund to cover the start-up costs involved in setting up a small business. However, I”m very pleased to say that epoch co. and Herbert Co. are going so swimmingly that the AGA Fund has been dutifully repaid and the couple’s plan to own one of the dreamy cookers remains on track.

Bound for Norway. Photo/Production - Danielle White/The Countryphiles.
Bound for NORWAY! Incredibly (and yet not surprisingly once you familiarise yourself with the quality and uniqueness of epoch co. pieces), this set of timber crutches were purchased by a woman in Norway about to undergo knee surgery but couldn’t bare the thought of being seen hobbling about on a pedestrian aluminium pair. I empathise completely! What an admirably devoted AESTHETE if ever there was one! Photo/Production – Danielle White/The Countryphiles.
Photo/Production - Danielle White/The Countryphiles.
The ‘famous’ set of timber crutches bound for Norway. Apparently, the woman told Marnie that hobbling around on such a beautiful set of crutches would without doubt lift her spirits and hasten her recovery! Love that reasoning COMPLETELY! Photo/Production – Danielle White/The Countryphiles.
Photo/Production - Danielle White/The Countryphiles.
So many gorgeous bits and bogs. Photo/Production – Danielle White/The Countryphiles.
Photo/Production - Danielle White/The Countryphiles.
More of epoch co.‘s delightful collectibles. Photo/Production – Danielle White/The Countryphiles.
Photo/Produciton - Danielle White/The Countryphiles.
The prints displayed on the wall in Marnie’s studio are examples of her other passion and company, Herbert Co. Map Prints. Photo/Produciton – Danielle White/The Countryphiles.

As well as working part-time as a consultant in her professional field of Environmental Science, Marnie also runs a second Etsy store (as you do!) Herbert Co. and what a treat it is! If you’re even the slightest bit into maps ‘n’ stuff (is there such a thing as a ‘Cartophile’ I wonder?), then you’ll adore Marnie’s artistic transformations of some classic cartography. Marnie sources maps and images that are out of copyright to create her unique and gets many requests for custom designs as well like the Vintage Map Print Marnie produced for Melbourne’s Rooftop Honey. Marnie is one busy BEE!

Photo - supplied Marnie Hawson. Production - Danielle White/The Countryphiles.
Marnie Hawons’ Herbert Co. Map Print custom designed for Rooftop Honey in Melbourne. Photo – Supplied/Marnie Hawson. Production – Danielle White/The Countryphiles.
Several of Marnie's Herbert Co. Map Prints line one of the walls in her Riddells Creek studio. Photo/Production - Danielle White/The Countryphiles.
Some examples of Marnie’s Herbert Co. Map Prints line a wall in her Riddells Creek studio. Photo/Production – Danielle White/The Countryphiles.
Map print - little boy on a 6 x 8 patch of vintage map of the Mount Kosciusko region in NSW, Australia. Photo - Marnie Hawson. Production - Danielle White/The Countryphiles.
Another of Marnie’s Herbert Co. Map Prints – Little Boy on a 6 x 8 patch of vintage map showing the Mount Kosciusko region in NSW, Australia. Designs are limited only by imagination. Photo – Supplied/Marnie Hawson. Production – Danielle White/The Countryphiles.

What path led you to move to the country?

I grew up in the country, on 11 acres, and always knew I’d return. I evented horses for about 12 years when I was younger, and the equine bug kind of just stays in your system. I lived in inner Melbourne for a number of years while doing my Honours at Uni, and then working as an environmental scientist firstly in Richmond and then the CBD. I then spent some time in Brisbane and then 6 months in a motorhome in Europe. While we were over there, I started the (online) hunt for our first home, we were looking both in the inner city and out in the Macedon Ranges – we couldn’t decide! It just so happened that the house we ended up buying ticked every box on our list, except that it wasn’t on acreage. Nonetheless, it was perfect in every other way – close to the train (I was still commuting to the city), lovely character, history, a big barn for all of Ryan’s bikes, room for a dog, and the old Riddells Creek post office on the street front as well.

Do you consider yourself a ‘Countryphile’?

Definitely – it’s in my blood. There’s nothing better than having room for your own vegie garden and chooks – not having to use your second bedroom as a storage room (or full of bicycles!), not battling traffic or fighting for a car space like in the city. I loved living in the city, but always knew it couldn’t last forever. There’s room to breathe out here, the people are wonderful, and instead of looking out your window into your neighbours bedroom, you’re looking out on trees and pasture.

What is a typical day in YOUR country life like; from when you wake to when you go to sleep?

Working from home is great for a non-morning person. Even though I keep saying I’ll get up early and go for a run, it never happens – I’m much better at the other end of the day. So after coffee, it’s time to let the chooks out to free range the day away in the garden. Then it’s out to my office (a good 3 metre commute from the front door) and then to work. It can either be epoch co. work, or my ‘day job’ environmental scientist work – or more often a mix of the two. Epoch co. work during the week consists of packing up orders, or cleaning, photographing and listing treasures that are stockpiled up from the weekend. Ryan and I usually meet up in the kitchen for various coffee breaks during the day (he works from home as well), and I usually work until around 5 or 6.  Then it’s dog walking and vegie watering time. Dinner ingredients are often picked from the garden, and the chooks bribed back into their pen for the night. We only eat vegetarian meals in our house, even though Ryan is not vegetarian all the time – and I love cooking. I’m guilty of working into the night on epoch co. work, mostly editing photos and listing items in the shop – but I am a self-confessed night owl!

What aspect of country life are you loving MOST at the moment?

The flexibility of a great work/life balance, harvesting our food from our own garden, and seeing our ex-battery hens find their feet in our back yard! It’s also great seeing the seasons turn, and trail running the many hidden tracks around the Macedon Ranges.

What is the most CHALLENGING aspect of country life?

Getting enough firewood to keep ourselves warm in winter! We only have one wood fire as the source of all heat for our house, and we refuse to pay for wood – so it’s a battle to keep our pile stocked high. We’re on the hunt for a gas-fired AGA for this winter though, we’ve spent too long being cold!

Do you prefer Coffee or Tea? Your favourite country café and why?

It’s coffee for sure  – we have many coffee making implements, including an Atomic stovetop coffee maker that was an engagement gift, and will last us the rest of our life. The Atomic will be perfect for using on our (future) AGA! Ryan brings me a coffee in bed every morning, and we often wander a couple of hundred metres down to Seasons Bistro, which has excellent coffee and fantastic staff…

What and where was the last great meal you enjoyed/shared in the country?

There’s been a few – the Radio Springs Hotel in Lionville, Seasons Bistro in Riddells Creek (the Thursday night special is $35 for a three course meal with a glass of wine or beer, amazing!), and the Macedon Railway Hotel that has recently re-opened.

Where would we find you on a typical Saturday morning?

While my customers are still warm and cosy in bed, I’m quite often up hunting vintage treasures for them – either at country auctions, clearing sales, garage sales or flea markets. Ryan is the best chauffeur and navigator when it comes to Whole Town Garage Sales – our record is about 45 garage sales in a couple of hours! I often get fatigued and want to retire for coffee around the 30-garage-sale-mark, whereas he cannot stop until we’ve ticked them all off the map.

If I’m not out and about, we’re cooking up some eggs and drinking coffee over the weekend paper after Ryan gets back from early morning mountain bike rides.

Marnie Office-Studio. Photo/Production - Danielle White/The Countryphiles.
Marnie at the back door of her Office-Studio, which faces North so it gets lots of winter sunlight. It also faces their chook house and veggie patch. Nice office, huh? Photo/Production – Danielle White/The Countryphiles.
Photo/Production - Danielle White/The Countryphiles.
Marnie feeding her chooks. A friend gave her three and the rest of the chooks are rescued battery hens from Edgar’s Mission, which Marnie tells me have become great layers! The ‘Barn’ sign is another up-cycle prop from their wedding. The barn pictured in the background houses all Ryan’s cycling gear. Photo/Production – Danielle White/The Countryphiles.
Photo/Production - Danielle White/The Countryphiles.
That’s one happy hen. Photo/Production – Danielle White/The Countryphiles.
Photo/Production - Danielle White/The Countryphiles.
That’s two more! Marnie and Ryan have a very productive vegie patch, which their chooks are only too happy to help aerate. Photo/Production – Danielle White/The Countryphiles.

You travel around quite a bit seeking treasures for your store. What is Country Victoria’s best kept SECRET?

The Radio Springs Hotel in Lionville is a hidden gem – nothing else in Lionville except the pub, fantastic food, cosy fireplaces, little loungerooms around the building, books to read, bands playing, dogs on the floor, and a friendly publican.

How about country AUSTRALIA’S best kept secret?

It’s not really a secret, but not many people have travelled to King Island. My mother was born there, and we went there for every Easter holidays until my grandparents died. It’s a magnificent place, beaches and wilderness, great food, unspoilt landscapes. We used to hunt pheasants and mutton birds (the reason why I’m now vegetarian?!), fish on the beach, rock hop for hours on the shore, and get fresh crays from the fishing boats.

Would you ENCOURAGE others to live a country life? Why/why not?

I certainly would, but I acknowledge that country life is not for everyone – especially if all you’ve ever known is the city. Country life can provide a great community surrounding you, although it can take time to make the connections (especially without children to bond over!). The slower paced lifestyle and connection with the outdoors is priceless though, and I couldn’t recommend it more highly.

What ADVICE would you give those dreaming of making a TREE CHANGE?

Do your research first, make sure you enjoy the kind of lifestyle you’re trading in your city life for – it’s a big commitment if you’re not 100% sure. Perhaps rent first, see how the commute goes, and buy in a year or two.

What can we expect NEXT from you/your business in the future?

I have just built my own website as opposed to just using Etsy, which was a great learning experience, and not as hard as I imagined. So, with the addition of the new website, I will also be offering some new services, such as prop hire and styling. With my other business (Herbert Co. – vintage map prints), I am looking to get the prints into some brick and mortar stores this year.

Maybe there will also be some more pop up events in the old post office here – I had the first one in March and it was a good opportunity to let local people in for a peep at everything, and I got to meet my lovely customers in the flesh!

What are you looking FORWARD to and why?

I am looking forward to coming up with a new start-up this year – something that incorporates the elements of sustainability and ethical trade, and enables me to work for myself and help others on a long term basis. I am excited by small business, local and hand crafted trade.  I think a lot of people are now thinking more about where their purchases come from, and what industries they are supporting by spending their money there.

Can you list for us 5 specific things you turn to/do when you need of a dose of city life?

In all honesty, we can live pretty well without a city dose anymore, and sitting in traffic usually results in some minor cursing, but when the occasional urge hits, we do one of the following:

1.      Head to a fabulous café for brunch (Little Henri is a current favourite)

2.     Go to a gig in the city

3.      Meet friends for dumplings

4.     Spend a couple of hours trawling Smith Street and Brunswick Street (we’re terrible shoppers, hate it, so this one is a rarity)

5.      See a movie at the Dendy

I get the feeling that Marnie Hawson is very much a ‘watch this space’ kinda Countryphile. Marnie and her ‘Co.s’ are sure to keep all us country folk in good company!

Photo/Production - Danielle White/The Countryphiles.
‘Dexter’ – Marnie and Ryan’s little ray of Pinscher SUNSHINE. Photo/Production – Danielle White/The Countryphiles.
Photo/Produciton - Danielle White/The Countryphiles.
Shelves in Marnie’s kitchen. Photo/Produciton – Danielle White/The Countryphiles.
Photo/Production - Danielle White/The Countryphiles.
Marnie Hawson. Photo/Production – Danielle White/The Countryphiles.

Marnie Hawson

epoch co.

Herbert Co.