Interview * Bell’s Belles Vintage * Cafe + Eclectica

123457Every now and then I am reminded of just how lucky we are to live in such a beautiful and vast country and that no matter where The Countryphiles takes me I always seem to discover something new and wonderful along the way. This is how I stumbled upon Bell’s Belles Vintage. Making my way to Newstead, en-route to photograph another story, I was struck by the rustic beauty of an old bakery-come-cafe and vintage store. Something about the potted kumquat nestled beside timber french doors made driving by an impossibility. As well as a wonderful collection of early 20th-century clothing, industrial furniture, fittings, lighting and accessories, I joyfully discovered that Bell’s Belles Vintage also does great fresh-roasted coffee served alongside delectable cakes and biscuits or a light lunch. As you’ll discover for yourself, owner, Leah Bell, has truly created a country gem! Enjoy! {d} x

Tell us a little bit about your background – what path led you to where you are now?

My background professionally has been in retail, working for Myer for 11 years, in fashion predominantly, but l also managed all areas of the store at one time or another, even electrical, and those who know me would laugh at that!

Tell us about ‘Bell’s Belles’. How did the idea of your lovely vintage wares store come about?

I had been collecting clothing since l can remember and l guess originally it was just that l always loved to wear 1940’s crepe or rayon fabrics; the detail and the fact that at school age l could pick them up at my local op shop! This is how it began…l was planning a trip to Sydney, l drove half way only to have to come back because the trip was cancelled. When l returned home, l was driving past this beautiful old building l had always admired, and saw a ‘For Lease’ sign, l quickly pulled over and wrote down the number, called and got the shop, it all happened really quickly.

Tell us the story behind the AMAZING building?

The building is late 1880’s, double-brick, with a big verandah and a creek at the back. Originally, around the turn of the century it was a grocers, then the local bakery for all of Castlemaine. Where my shop is now, used to house the flour and grain. l grew up in a bakery so it was a lovely connection.

What makes you so passionate about vintage clothing and wares?

When l was young, we moved to my Grandmother’s farmhouse. She had passed away but all of her things were still in the house; her wardrobes full of matching 60’s hats, gloves, shoes, 1940s crepe dresses (a few of which l still have today). l think this was the beginning of my appreciation for old and used, loved items. Plus, my Mum was also a hunter and collector. Our house was always full of objects; she collected walking sticks, old doors and would often buy bulk lots at the auctions, which meant she would have boxes of things that were pretty ordinary just to get the one item she had to have. Now she collects jugs.

Your eye for gorgeous vintage clothing, homewares and furnishings is highly regarded. Can you give us a little insight into your curating processes? Where do you source all your lovely things?

I always look at the fabric and drape of a dress; if l love it l have to have it. Furniture also is love at first sight; if l am undecided then l leave it. Sometimes l go back for it though, l think about what l already have and how it will fit in with everything else but if you love something enough you can make it work. I source things from all over, markets, fairs and people often bring things in to me too. Plus, we have a vintage-inspired range which includes linen string, jute string, cotton string, scissors, enamel ware and other useful items.

Where or who or what do you draw your inspiration from?

I am inspired by the items l find and just old things in general.

You added your Espresso Bar a year or so ago, which serves wonderful coffee and offers a HEAVENLY cake selection! Who bakes and who baristas?

So, we have a chef who bakes for us, all yummy wholesome ingredients sourced locally. We have 3 Baristas, Dan, Dave and myself.

What does a typical day in the life of Leah Bell ‘Bell’s Belles Store Curator’ look like; from when you wake to when you go to sleep?

A day in the life….usually l start the day with tea & porridge, then check emails, get ready for work, go buy flowers, go to work, set up shop, clean and merchandise ready for opening. At the moment, l spend my days in the cafe making coffee, which l drink far too much of, making food and serving cake. In between this, l sell clothing, arrange new stock, change window displays etc. Lots of regulars buzzing in and out so I’m catching up with them, doing lots of dishes and more cleaning. At the end of the day, more cleaning, packing up then off home for another cup of tea. At home, l plan the next day, week, send out some emails then have dinner, watch a movie, go to sleep.

Do you consider yourself to be a ‘Countryphile’? That is, do you love country life? If so, why?

I have always lived in the Country and really do love it here in Castlemaine. I love the simplicity of country life, the community and being surrounded by nature.

When sneaking out for an ‘away’ coffee. Do you have a favourite country café and why?

Eclectic Tastes in Ballarat, where my sister works, has amazing coffee and cakes plus a really beautiful atmosphere.

What and where was the last great meal you enjoyed/shared in the country?

The Good Table in Castlemaine, yummy shared plates.

Where would we find you on a typical Saturday morning?

At the shop.

What can we expect NEXT from you/your business in the future?

I am always dreaming up something new and never like to stand still. I have just completed some renovations and a mini shop makeover!

What would be your dream project?

Dream project……perhaps another shop or just 24/7 collecting – that’s what l love.

Can you list for us 5 specific things you turn to/do when you need of a ‘dose’ of city life?

In the city, it’s usually food, so;
1. Lygon St for a good dose of Italian
2. Music concerts (last one was Bobby Womack)
3. Markets for flowers, l just love fresh flowers
4. Allpress for coffee and …
5. … there’s this little shop that sells the best Portuguese tarts. l try not to stop because you get a discount the more you buy!

Bell’s Belles Vintage
28 Johnstone St, Castlemaine
(03) 5470 5842
Just Acorn